Sunday, June 29, 2008

Missing....One Tooth...If Found...Please Return!

Friday seemed like a day just like every other day. Then, when I got home something was missing in my beautiful smile! Mom and Dad said my smile was still was just missing a tooth! We aren't sure if it came out just because it was time or if it is related to me hitting my face when I had my first nose bleed. (That's a whole other story you can read about earlier in my blog!) My other tooth on the bottom is loose AND my top middle tooth is a little loose also. Mom is going to call my dentist tomorrow to see what might be up! But look...because I lost a tooth...The Tooth Fairy came to our house when I was sleeping! She left me a certificate and four quarters! How cool is that!

1 comment:

Bianca said...

I had a missing tooth once, and it gave me a host of problems. I wasn't able to eat right, my confidence dropped, I couldn't smile, etc. When I heard that in Nevada there was a good implant dentist (Las Vegas area), I went there to have my teeth assessed. Upon checking, the dentist told me that the perfect solution would be a dental implant. Las Vegas might have been a little far from my home, but the trip was definitely worth it.