Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fun Times with Family!

Memorial Day weekend meant Mom and I hit the rode again. We drove over 650 miles to get to Grandma and Grandpa's to camp. I really wished we lived alot closer to my Grandma and Grandpa Parke, my cousins and aunts and uncles. They are the most awesome, loving and fun people ever. My cousins make sure I get to do all of the fun things they do. They are always thinking of ways for me to do things...and if it is to hard - they find a way to help me. We played a softball game, had a water fight, played bean bag, rode the mule, rode my trike, roasted marshmallows, went skateboarding and went to the park...and that's not all! I was so tired from the weekend that I took a two hour nap in the car ride home. If you know KNOW that never happens!

1 comment:

Emilie said...

Teresa you make the best videos!

(I guess it helps when your subject matter is so beautiful and engaging)