Saturday, November 8, 2008

See My Name!

Check this out! I was practicing writing my name with Mom today. She wrote the red one and I wrote the green one all by myself! I'm still working on putting my letters in the correct order. I wrote them in the right order but ran out of room so just decided to put the "a" between the "E" and the "m's." Mom wanted to be sure you knew she was writing upside down when she wrote the red Emma! We have a song we sing when we practice writing my letters. It goes like this- "Line down ...across ...across ...across... humpty hump...humpty hump!" I'm going to keep practicing so I'll know how to write my name when I start kindergarten next year! Oh yeah...the little blue mark above my name was a little something extra I added later!


Jack said...

that is awesome & amazing Emma!!
you ROCK!~
wait til I show Harli what you can do...:)

Elise Gosch said...

Emma you are such an inspiration! I love to see all the things you can do!

Keep it up!

Emilie said...

Good work Emma! Please, keep that lovely signature on the paper. Mom won't be as pleased when it shows up on the wallpaper or couch or dinner plates.


Erin Sheldon said...

WOW, Emma, you are so fabulous!!! What an awesome new skill you have learned! You are such an amazing kid!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Emma! I have always loved your name and now I'm so pride that you can write it. The song is a perfect way to remember the letters as you write them.
Keep writing!
Brenda Layer

Lesley said...

Dear Emma:

You rock!
Now, as Em said, sign that name on everything! The walls, the couch, the floor!

Isn't that what you said, Em?


Anonymous said...

Emma - Very nice!! Your cousin Michala decided the week before kindergarten she didn't like the letter J so I think it is only fair you put the A wherever you think it fits best!! I hope to see you for Thanksgiving and you can show me how you write your name. We are proud of you!!!

Love 6M's

Christi said...

If you could please add eSpecial Needs ( as a Sources for Fun Toys and remove The Adaptive Child. We have expanded our company and have changed the name to eSpecial Needs. Thanks,