Monday, June 7, 2010

Lady Legends T-Ball Season Opener

Tonight was my t-ball debut with my Lady Legends teammates. It was tons of fun! I didn't run the bases though since my legs were hurting because I was in the car for four hours earlier in the day for my doctor's appointment at The Children's Hospital. Next week I hope my leg is better and then we'll see how fast I can run! My teammates, especially Sammy, are really supportive and encouraging. She and I got to be team captains tonight! Sammy was my pitch runner since my legs were hurting. Hitting is definatly the strength of my game. I got a hit all three times I was up to bat! I am holding onto the bat with both hands all by myself. Mom made sure I didn't swing though until Sammy was in place to run. The other teams we play against are mostly boys but who cares...we are the Lady Legends! And what's really cool...found out tonight that I get to play against Kyle, one of my friends who uses a talker just like me!

1 comment:

Kim said...

That was AWESOME! I hope I can come watch a game! Good job Emma!